
Tuesday, 13 March: Portugal’s Joana Graca is the first competitor in the UIM-ABP Aquabike World Championship to be classified as a ‘carbon neutral rider’ in response to the joint environmental initiative ‘Powerboating Goes Green’ launched by H2O Racing and the UIM at the end of 2017 at the Grand Prix of Sharjah.
Working closely with H2O Racing’s environmental marshal the carbon footprint that Graca amassed in training, travelling to and from and competing at the four rounds of the 2017 UIM ABP Aquabike World Championship was established based on a technical method consistent with the UIM guidelines to calculate the total of 5.875kg of CO2 emissions to be offset by the purchasing and planting of trees in Kenya, which will be known as ‘Fly Jet Forest’.
This latest initiative builds on the partnership between H2O Racing and BUND Holding Group, which in 2016 established the first carbon neutral sporting events to take place in the People’s Republic of China at the UIM-ABP Aquabike and UIM H2O Nations Cup Grand Prix of Shanghai.
And in addition in 2016 and 2017 the UIM F1H2O and UIM-ABP Aquabike Grand Prix of Sharjah, organised by the Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority, were awarded carbon neutral status.
As of today ALL the projects brought to life by the partnership H2O Racing entered into in 2017 with Treedom to plant trees in Africa to offset its CO2 emissions has resulted in more than 1000 trees being planted.
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